Cookies Policy

1.Data Protection and Privacy Commitment

The Cookies or Connection Testimonials Policy regulates the processing of data, including personal data, of users (“User” or “Users”), collected as part of the use of electronic sites or applications through Cookies, by Simoldes Plasticos Czech s.r.o., with Tax ID Number 03545695, as the entity responsible for processing, hereinafter referred to as “Simoldes Czech”.

This Cookie Policy sets out the types of Cookies used by Simoldes Czech on its website accessible via the link, excluding other sites which may have specific Cookie Policies.

You can choose the types of Cookies that can be downloaded to your internet access device (computer, cell phone, tablet, etc.) through the privacy settings in the options of the internet browser used (hereinafter referred to as “browser”).

2.Cookie Policy and Data Protection Policy

This Cookie Policy must be read by the User in conjunction with Simoldes Czech’ general Data Protection Policy, accessible to the User via the link, through the privacy settings in the options of the internet browser used (hereinafter referred to as “browser”).

3.Contact Points

For any questions about the Cookie Policy, you can contact Simoldes Czech through the following contact points:

– E-mail address:;

– Postal Address: Lipovka 162, 516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Česko (Czech);

– Telephone contact: +420 497 770 080;

4.Concept of Cookies

Cookies are small information files placed by the websites visited by the User and stored in the browser of the device used to access the Internet (e.g. computer or cell phone). These files help websites to memorize information about the visit and facilitate the next visit, maintaining Users’ actions and preferences for a certain period of time, maintaining or recognizing the User’s name, the language in which they wish to browse the sites or other settings, as well as personalizing the User’s experience through specific content or even allowing the collection of information about the use of the websites.

5.Cookie categorizations

Cookies can be classified into three broad categories, depending on

– their purpose

– the placing entity and

– their lifetime or storage period.

6.Categorization of Cookies by Purpose

Cookies are classified according to their purpose as follows:

(a) Necessary cookies – these are functional and are necessary to ensure the functioning of the website and/or to ensure the availability of functionalities requested by the User, as well as to save their browsing preferences whenever they use the same device and so request.

(b) Analytical cookies – these are of an ancillary nature and collect statistical information for the purposes of analyzing the use of the site and managing the relationship with visitors, measuring interactions with the advertisements displayed.

(c) Personalization cookies – these are of an ancillary nature and are not necessary for the operation of the website and improve its performance, allowing the user’s browsing experience to be personalized.

(d) Advertising cookies – these are of an ancillary nature, seeking to make advertising more attractive to users and advertisers, by selecting advertising based on the User’s choices, in order to improve reports on campaign performance and enhance the presentation of advertisements that the User has already seen or marked as relevant.

7.Categorization of Cookies according to the Placing Entity

Considering the entity that is responsible for placing the Cookies, they are classified as follows:

(a) Own Cookies – Cookies that are sent to the User’s device through equipment or domains managed by Simoldes and from which the service requested by the User is provided.

(b) Third-party cookies – are sent to the User’s device from a device or domain managed by a third-party entity over which Simoldes has no control, in which case the third-party entity may process the data collected without Simoldes being able to configure its operation.

8.Categorization of Cookies by Useful Life Period

Considering the useful life of Cookies, they are classified as follows:

(a) ‘Session’ cookies – temporary cookies that are usually deleted when the User leaves the website that generated them.

(b) ‘Sturdy’ Cookies – these are Cookies that remain on the User’s device until a certain date, at browser level, and are used whenever the User visits the site again.

9.List of Cookies – Presentation

The following types of Cookies may be used on this website:

a) Other.

10.List of Cookies – Description

As of today, the detailed information regarding the functionalities and use of these Cookies is as follows:

Cookie DomainDescriptionDurationType 
entryPoint No description available.7 daysOther 
wp-wpml_current_language No description available.sessionOther

11.Acceptance of the Use of Cookies

It is not possible for websites to operate without the strictly necessary functional Cookies, so the User is obliged to accept their use. As for other types of Cookies, the User is free to consent to their use.

We always ask for the User’s prior and express consent, unless the placement of certain Cookies is strictly necessary to provide the service you have expressly requested or to provide access to a certain feature of that service, such as access to reserved areas, access to specific features or pages, etc.

12.Browser configuration

Browsers allow individualized control of the Cookies stored on your device, as well as their immediate deletion if the user wishes to stop allowing the local storage of Cookies.

Any User can change their browser settings to block the installation of Cookies or to notify them each time a Cookie is set.

For more information on how to carry out “Private Browsing or No Data Logging” and manage Cookies efficiently, please consult:

Firefox, click here;

Chrome, click here;

Internet Explorer, click here;

Microsoft Edge, click here;

Safari, click here;

Opera, click here.

You should be aware of the consequences of deactivating Cookies, as this may have an impact on the operation of the respective websites, since the settings panel of most modern browsers does not offer a level of detail that allows Users to remove only those Cookies that are not strictly necessary to allow the use of the websites visited.

13.Privacy applications

On sites, devices or equipment that offer this type of functionality, the User can have greater control over their Cookies using free privacy protection applications that are available on various online platforms – some examples of applications of this type are, among others, the following:

  • Ghostery;
  • Privacy Possum;
  • Cookie AutoDelete;
  • etc.

14.Changes to the Cookie Policy

Simoldes Czech reserves the right, freely and at any time, without prior notice and with immediate effect, to alter, add to or revoke, partially or totally, this Cookie Policy.

All changes will be immediately disclosed on the organization’s Communication Channels, and Users may access the information and, depending on the specific type of cookie in question, consent to its use in an informed manner or, where appropriate, withdraw consent previously granted by configuring their browsers.

15.Exercise of Rights

Users may, as holders of personal data, exercise their data protection and privacy rights at any time, namely the rights to withdraw consent, access, rectification, erasure, portability, limitation or opposition to processing, under the terms and with the limitations provided for in the applicable rules.

Any request to exercise data protection and privacy rights must be addressed in writing by the respective data subject to the email address of the Simoldes Czech Data Protection Officer or submitted using the Exercise of Rights Form available at any service point or at

16.Incident reporting

Simoldes Czech has implemented an incident management system for data protection and information security.

If any User wishes to report the occurrence of a personal data breach, which accidentally or unlawfully causes the unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure of or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, they can contact the Data Protection Officer at  or use Simoldes Czech’ general contacts.

The Simoldes Czech Data Breach Incident Reporting Form is available at any service point or at

17.Suggestions, Complaints or Claims

Users can make suggestions about technical or organizational measures that they consider most appropriate to improve data protection and privacy conditions, by email to the Simoldes Czech Data Protection Officer or through the Data Protection and Privacy Suggestion Form accessible at any service point or at

Users also have the right to submit a complaint, either by registering the complaint in the Complaints Book or by submitting a complaint to the supervisory authorities – in the latter case, they can submit a petition or complaint directly to the national Supervisory Authority through the contacts available at  .

18.Data Protection Officer

Simoldes Czech has appointed a Data Protection Officer, whose contact points are as follows:

– Email address:;

– Postal address: Simoldes Plasticos Czech s.r.o., Lipovka 162, 516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Česko (Czech)

19.Permanent Security Contact Point

Simoldes Czech has implemented a Permanent Contact Point for the management of information security and cyberspace security incidents.

If any User, Service Recipient or User wishes to report an information security incident or a cyberspace security incident, they can contact the Simoldes Czech Permanent Contact Point through the following communication channels:

– telephone: [PCP Telephone];

– e-mail: [PCP E-Mail].

An Information Security or Cyberspace Security Incident Reporting Form is available at any Simoldes Czech service point and can also be sent by e-mail by requesting it from the Permanent Contact Point.

20.Data Processing Information Sheet

For more detailed information on the Processing of User Data by Cookies, please contact the Data Protection Officer at

21.Useful links

For further information on Cookies, in particular on applicable standards, configuration of navigation systems, user rights, etc., please consult .

22.Version and Date of the Cookies Policy

Date: November 2, 2023;

Version: 2023.04;

To consult previous versions of the Cookies Policy, please contact the Data Protection Officer by email to